Film distribution: screenings and sales
All titles available as digital files. Most of my films from Looks Familiar (1989) onward are available for screening hire as 16mm or 35mm comopt prints; some films also available on old skool U-Matic and BetaSP. The principal distributor and sales agent is Sundog Media - contact
LUX distributes 9 titles

Sunset Strip and Project are included in the British Council Films British Films Directory

Sunset Strip is on the AnimateTV: 20 years of experimental animation from the UK DVD (2010) available for purchase from Animate Projects and LUX, and on Into animation: a video compilation and teaching guide VHS (2003) available for purchase from BFI Education; the film is also distributed by Animate Projects in the touring programmes Animate Retrospective and Themed programme 2: Marking Time.

Physic is included on the Dartmoor Lives and Landscapes DVD (AHA-007) (2001) from Aune Head Arts

The BFI distributes Night Sounding as a 16mm print, contact

The films As Yet Unseen and Unknown Woman are also available from EMAF (European Media Arts Festival) Tel: 00 49 / (0)541 / 2 16 58

Animate Projects distributes Teign Spirit, which is also available for download from iTunes; from 2011 the film is available for loan to all healthcare environments in the UK, including hospitals, GP surgeries, hospices and mental health facilities, as part of Paintings in Hospitals Children and Young People’s Collection, contact

Several films are included in the One Minute collections of artists' moving image curated by Kerry Baldry:
White Body and Verge: Nocturne are included in One Minute volume 3 (released June 2009)
Twenty Foot Square is included in One Minute volume 4 (released May 2010)
Flora is included in One Minute volume 5 (released July 2011); also One Minute Remix (Treasuredome programme, August 2012) and One Minute Remix 2 (released November 2014)
Yessling is included in One Minute volume 6 (released September 2012)
Project is included in One Minute volume 7 (released August 2013)
Night Sounding is included in One Minute volume 8 (released September 2014)
Maelstrom is included in One Minute volume 9 (released May 2016)
Bookings, contact:

White Body is available on the Screenworks volume 2 DVD: the AVPhD Issue published in association with Intellect Books' Journal of Media Practice (volume 9 issue 3, November 2008), as the silent loop presented as a floor projection in the Immersion exhibition at the Land/Water and the Visual Arts annual research symposium with Plymouth University. Screenworks is a peer-reviewed publication of practice research in screen media, edited by Charlotte Crofts, and convened in 2006 by Jon Dovey. The Screenworks 2 DVD was dedicated to moving image work created as doctoral research. JMP Screenworks is now online, with details of the Screenworks 2 DVD here; to buy the DVD contact:

White Body is included on the DVD of the exhibition HerStory held at the Link Gallery, University of Winchester 8 June to 8 July 2011 to reflect the narrative of women's lives; produced by Women's Work

Reach is distributed online by Anifilm in the Czech Republic via its Aniont web portal

Public collections and archives
Animation Research Centre (ARC) Archive, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
Aniont Animation Online Theatre, Anifilm, Třeboň, Czech Republic
ASIFA Archive, Cinematheque, Lausanne, Switzerland
British Council, London, UK
British Film and Video Artists' Study Collection University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins, London, UK European Media Art Festival (EMAF) Archive, Osnabrück, Germany
Mediawave Archive, Győr, Hungary
MIFF Melbourne International Film Festival Archive, Australia
National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, UK
BFI National Archive: Artists’ Moving Image, British Film Institute, London, UK
National Review of Live Art Archive University of Bristol, UK
Paintings in Hospitals London, UK
PoetryFilm Archive London
Short Film Archive, KurzFilmAgentur, Hamburg, Germany
Southbank Centre Poetry Library, London, UK
South West Film and Television Archive (SWFTA) Plymouth, UK
Sydney College of Arts, the University of Sydney, Australia
Videoteca de la Fundación Provincial de Cultura, Cádiz, Spain
Whitechapel Gallery, Children’s Film Library, London, UK
Women's Art Library (MAKE) Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Film notes

Frame by Frame from Sundog Media on Vimeo.

The Artists' moving image section includes info about most of the films I’ve made as an artist:
  • moving image work for cinema distribution, television broadcast, gallery exhibition, urban screens and exterior projection, and online spaces
  • single and multiple screen work staged as an installation
  • audiovisual work for 360 and expanded cinema
  • moving image work from the 1990s
  • my first two 16mm films, 1986 to 1988, which weren’t made into 16mm comopt (married) screening prints
  • video art made as a BA fine art student at Newport Art School (Gwent College of Higher Education) 1982 to 1985