Exchange: Plymouth in Northampton
Exhibition by members of the Land/Water and the Visual Arts research group, Faculty of Arts, University of Plymouth
11 to 29 January 2010, Avenue Gallery, University of Northampton
The second half of a two-way exchange exploring the term ‘landscape’, between School of the Arts staff at the University of Northampton and the Land/Water research group at University of Plymouth
The Measure of It (work-in-progress)
DVD PAL / 16.9 / 2010 / 3 min
TV monitor on plinth: HD documentation, with sound, followed by four 16mm filmstrips running at 12 frames per second, without sound.
Studio One Residency at Plymouth Arts Centre 23 to 26 October 2009
For the 10th anniversary of the Campaign for Drawing’s annual programme The Big Draw I was artist in residence in Studio One, the Artists' Development Space at Plymouth Arts Centre, to develop a new animation work as part of ongoing practice-as-research for my PhD.
For each of the four days of the residency I created a scroll of drawings by etching into the emulsion layer of a 16mm filmstrip using a surgical scalpel fitted with a 10A blade. The length of each filmstrip was determined by a measurement of my body, such as the distance from fingertip to fingertip across my outstretched arms. I drew what I could see through the window of Studio One - magpies, seagulls, sycamore leaves, clouds, sunshine - using the glass pane as a lightbox; and I recorded my subjective experience on my MacBook Pro as ‘alphabetical writing’ that I uploaded at the end of each session. See Studio One blog. I am returning to Studio One to give a performance in the space in spring 2010: this event will be viewable ‘live’ by an audience, and is followed by an artist’s talk about the project, with screening.
Thanks: Caroline Mawdsley, Stuart Moore, Caroline Burke
Studio One: Inspector Specto
Projecting the 16mm film-drawing scroll for the first time on the 16mm analysis projector, in Studio One at Plymouth Arts Centre. Film by Stuart Moore.
Studio One: Inspector Specto from Kayla Parker on Vimeo.
The Measure of ItA QuickTime movie made from the four 16mm film-drawing scrolls running in chronological order (no sound). Photography: Stuart Moore.
The Measure of It from Kayla Parker on Vimeo.